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SHINTA VR accelerates digital transformation in Balai Pengujian, Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation.



A digital transformation project in Balai Pengujian, Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), by adjusting immersive tools during workshop services for expertizing Human Resource competency. The Ministry of Transportation needs innovations for storing facilities to implement cost and time efficiency.

The Challenge 

Railway Training and Testing Center (Balai Pelatihan dan Pengujian Perkeretaapian) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) in Bekasi has a limited land capacity for practicing training and testing. Besides, there's only one training center in Indonesia to conduct testing certification for railway experts all over Indonesia. A large amount of production cost required to procure training equipment or facilities and space to store the model trains each year becomes an obstacle for the Ministry of Transportation.

Our Solution

The railway training by delivering Cutting-Edge Collaborative VR Simulation for Railways Inspection Training with real-time assessment, Instant On-The-Spot Data Analytics for assessors to analyze the trainee behavior. 

イマーシブ テクノロジーについて話したいですか?


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